Lasting Freedom Begins Here!
An Integrated Approach to RTF Ministry
Have you wondered why you continually struggle in certain areas of life? Maybe you find recurring issues in relationships? Do you feel like it’s difficult to feel God’s love? Do you feel like you’re not fulfilling the calling, destiny and purpose that God has for you?

Why Does an integrated Solution Matter?
Rarely Can We Point To A Single Cause For Problems In Our Lives
Compound these events over a lifetime and it is no wonder that we are often at a loss to discern the root causes of such pressing issues. These many facets continually interact to make us who we are. All people have the same four problem areas that interact with one another to cause the issues we struggle with in this life. Luke 4 gives a wonderful description of these four problem areas. And all four of these areas need to be ministered to in an integrated way for lasting freedom to be experienced. God revealed to Chester and Betsy Kylstra a way to minister to each of these four areas during the same ministry so that people could experience profound and permanent healing and freedom.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to PREACH THE GOSPEL to the poor; He has sent me to HEAL THE BROKENHEARTED, to PROCLAIM LIBERTY to captives and RECOVERY OF SIGHT to the blind, to SET AT LIBERTY those who are oppressed; to PROCLAIM THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD.
~ Luke 4:18-19
A Biblical Approach To Four Problem Areas We All Face
The above scripture says, “He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor” which refers to the generational sins and curses inherited from our ancestors. The scripture continues to say, “He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted” which describes Jesus’ amazing ability to heal our broken hearts. It also says He came to “proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind” which is what happens when the lies that people believe are replaced with God’s Truth.
And finally, the fourth problem area all people have and that is addressed in this verse, is “to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” The first three areas give the enemy a legal right to oppress the children of God. When those legal rights are removed, oppression has to leave, ultimately bringing freedom.
More About the Four Problem Areas
During your ministry, we will tackle the four areas that contribute to the problems you are experiencing.
Family Baggage
Do you see behaviors in your life that you would like to stop but try as hard as you can you can’t stop? Do you see negative patterns in your family line that you would like to put a stop to?
You are dealing with generational curses that have come down your family line. These generational curses are passed down for three or four generations and will continue until God’s solution is applied. These curses put pressure on you and your descendants to commit the same sins as your ancestors. This pressure must be cut off by applying God’s solution.
Healing Our Wounded Places
The facts are there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have been hurt, and those who have been hurt worse. God in His grace warns us in many places in His Word that in this life we will suffer hurts.
Part of Jesus’ mission in coming to earth is to bring healing to our wounds. Luke 4:18 says that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted. When He is invited into those wounded places in our lives, He brings amazing healing. He knew we would be hurt and he provided a way for us to receive that healing!
When our wounds are healed we are able to experience life differently.
Lies We Believe
When we believe lies we are agreeing with satan rather than with God. Lies keep us locked into mindsets that affect our relationships, our careers, and our future.
Romans 12:2 says “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” God warns us that our minds are polluted with thinking from this world that causes us to have many ungodly beliefs. An ungodly belief is anything we believe that does not match up with God’s nature, His character, or His Word. These ungodly beliefs are agreements we are unknowingly making with the god of this world. When we come out of agreement with these lies and replace them with God’s truth, life drastically changes.
Setting The Captives Free
Ephesians 4:27 says, “And neither give place to the devil.” A place means a legal right to be there. Through the generational sins and curses, through the lies we believe, and through unhealed wounds we actually give the devil a legal right to be a part of our lives. He has a legal right to traffic in our lives.
However, when those legal rights are removed through the RTF ministry, he no longer has a right to traffic in our lives and the oppression from our enemy has to leave as we direct. The result is that those who were once held captive are now set free!

When God's Remedy Is Applied, The Results Are Amazing!
RTF uses an integrated approach to minister to the generational sins and curses inherited from our ancestors, brings healing to the wounded places of the heart, brings God’s truth that sets people free from the lies they believe, and then removes the oppression from the evil one. The result is lasting healing and freedom. Each one of these areas is tied to the others, so they must be ministered to in an integrated way. When God’s remedy is applied to all four of these areas, the results are amazing!
In each ministry session, the one receiving ministry is not only receiving wonderful ministry but is also having a personal and powerful encounter with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Additionally, they are also being equipped and empowered to walk in greater healing and freedom. Being equipped with the tools to be able to continue in a lifestyle of freedom and healing is one of the many benefits of receiving RTF ministry.
Interested In Receiving Ministry?
Receiving ministry will transform your life and your relationships. To learn more about how to start your journey of healing and lasting freedom in Christ please send us a message using the link below as we would love to help you!
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We would love to hear from you with any questions you may have. Please click here to get in touch with our team.
- Opening Hours: 9am -5pm (Mon-Fri)