30th July 2015


As RTF ministers we have the awesome privilege of seeing many lives change before our eyes and have healing encounters with the Lord.

We would like to share some of these with you as people have given permission for us to share their stories of their lives changed through RTF ministry and their on-going testimonies.

This short video provides some testimonies about Restoring The Foundations ministry.

I’m an ‘actively retired’ vicar with over thirty years’ experience of both ministering to others and receiving ministry, and the Lord has done great things for me over the years.  But last autumn I became aware of increasing fear of the future – how will I cope with living alone when I am no longer fit enough to fill my diary with people or events? Read More

(E.J. Oxfordshire)

I had known stress during a career in education and as a church pastor but never so much as in the last 5 years when I even suffered mental health problems including suicidal thoughts.  The Lord had led me into some freedom through my own prayer, reading, and input from church pastors, but I always felt there were deeper issues that had never been dealt with.  A work colleague recommended Restoring the Foundations ministry as he had found the experience life-changing.  I am an experienced Christian leader who knew of such ‘courses’ but was sceptical about how beneficial such a ministry might be.  How wrong I was! Read More

(Steve, an experienced church pastor and school leader from Southern England)

Here is what people are saying about RTF Ministry:

The effectiveness has been breathtaking. It was incredible what has happened and how my ministers have led me to a place of new beginnings and healing. God has so blessed us

S. from Milton Keynes

It was awesome. Not only did I receive revelation, freedom but the tools to walk it out

D. from West Midlands

The ministry time was productive and very worthwhile. I felt the entire process was effective and a platform for me to walk out the healing I have received

D. from Ireland

I am a male Psychiatrist, who also has training in Psychology. I did RTF because my partner wanted me more sorted before we got married!  She had done RTF previously and found it really helpful. I did the thorough (15 hours) RTF ministry and it really changed me in a lasting way – which surprised me. Five half-days of RTF changed me more profoundly than the 100 sessions of 1 to 1 counselling that I’d had previously!


I experienced the Lord’s presence, deliverance, breakthrough and freedom from sessions. I have noticed changes as almost every day there was barriers broken and God revelation

T. from London

I appreciated the diligence, sensitivity and thoroughness of the ministry team. I already feel different and am determined to hold onto ground and take more land

J. from East Midlands

I know I have been set free from some major strongholds and traumas that were deeply buried. I already feel different and believe that this time it has been completely covered and dealt with, no loose ends

C. from West Midlands

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