30th July 2015

More personal testimonies

I had suffered from clinical depression for over 30 years. I had tried many pills, counselling, prayer ministry sessions, none of which had made a long-lasting, life-changing difference. I often reached a point of despair when I felt it would be better to be dead than alive. In desperation, I contacted an RTF team who suggested receiving 15 hour RTF ministry. I did this in 2013. The immediate effect was transforming, I felt so different and people, particularly in the church community, have commented at the changes they have seen in me. Since then things have become better and better as I have learned the RTF principles and I am still seeing Father go deeper and deeper as the layers of pain are being healed. I did not have a very traumatic childhood or life, compared with many people but there was enough to wound me that Father is healing bit by bit.

A. W. from Oxfordshire

Rejection had always been a huge issue in my life and affected the way I related to everyone. My husband was probably the one that suffered most. I would get frustrated so often and take his responses as rejection and go into self-pity. Going through RTF enabled me to see how the pain of past hurts were causing my reactions to be strong in the present day. As I broke off generational rejection, broke the lies that I was living out of, forgave those who had hurt me and had my heart healed, the huge weight of rejection I had always felt lifted from me. It is so wonderful to be free and have my heart filled with peace, security, God’s love and assurance that I am always loved by Him. My life and my marriage, as well as my interactions with others, are totally transformed. It is amazing.

S. T. from South West UK

I recently received RTF ministry. The main breakthroughs I have received are:- Freedom from rejection and other negative beliefs about the magnitude of God’s love for me and his plans for my future, especially regarding financial freedom; Freedom from over-sensitivity to criticism and to negative speech/behaviour on the part of others; Freedom to forgive far more quickly than before; Freedom from anxiety and performance; Freedom from addiction to work – instead, remaining at peace in the work God provides; Freedom to step out in faith once more, after many years of ‘containment’, in ministering to mature Christians, both as a home group leader and ministry team member.

A. B. from London

A testimony of one of many things God has done in my life through RTF. I lived in such a darkness with depression and a strong wish to commit suicide for 20 years. It was like living in hell with very bad self-esteem, self-hate and a wish to die. I received RTF ministry. I prayed some prayers. My 20 years of living on darkness just ended there. It was crazy! I lived in that darkness in 20 years, and God used a few minutes to set me free! No manifestations, just very simple by praying this prayer. This opened also up for me to start to believe and receive that God is a good Father, something that was totally impossible for me before. My journey to come into a fellowship with God I’d never had before started. Isn’t God good? He is amazing!

K. A. Nr Oslo, Norway
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